Started the day with a walking tour Palermo

Palermo has an interesting history with very varied architecture. Another view of the Fountain of Shame. Quattro Canti at the heart of the city. Pictures of various items that you can purchase at the Ballaro Market.


Statue of Mary at the side entrance followed by the some of the views from inside the cathedral. The last four pictures are from the Cloister, a separate entrance from the cathedral, which was the main outdoor space for Benedictine monks. Each of the columns have unique designs. The Fountain of Life is looks for a palm tree trunk.

Back to Palermo to explore more of the city

At a stop for lunch we found fellow tourists eating cannoli. “You must go to the Santa Caterina, they have the best pastries in Palermo!” If the taste doesn’t speak for itself I segreti del chiostro (“The secrets of the cloister”) maintains a press page-> with videos and newspapers that go over the history and praise of their products.

We had time to walk down to the marina to see the boats. Located near the marina the above mural, on the facade of the Nautical Institute, of Sicilian anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino murdered by the Sicilian mafia in separate bombings in 1992. One of the masterminds the 1992 bombings was recently arrested after 30 years on the run in Palermo. The picture to the right is a pillar marking site of assassinations, along the road to the airport.